Michael A’s DNA Surprise

Michael had been told he didn’t look related to his family his entire life, so when his sisters asked him to take a DNA test for fun, he knew the truth was going to be revealed. In this episode, Michael shares his quest for answers despite both of his biological parents having Alzheimer’s. He is also candid about his struggles with mental health in general and in light of his discovery.

Summer’s DNA Surprise

Summer’s mother told her about her NPE status when she was 13–a secret she kept for decades. It wasn’t until she took a DNA test that she connected with her half-siblings, some of whom (to her shock) already knew about her, too. Summer shares how her relationships are developing despite not living in the same […]

Wendy’s DNA Surprise

Wendy’s path to finding her biological father is a long and winding road. As a double NPE, she has twice learned that the man she believed was her bio dad was not. Now that Wendy knows the truth about her parentage, she discusses the challenges of building a relationship with her new family, which include a lack of time and differing religious values.

Diana’s DNA Surprise

When Diana learned that her biological father is an old family friend, she was completely shocked. But soon after her discovery, many things started making more sense. With the help of a newly found cousin, Diana began making connections with her family members, including an aunt.

Crystal’s DNA Surprise

Crystal’s DNA surprise came as a total shock, years after she took her Ancestry DNA test. When her older sister showed up as a half-sibling, Crystal discovered that she is an NPE. She shares the intense emotions that people who experience non-paternal events feel, from sadness to hope. She talks about how connecting with her newfound family is going so far. Finally, Crystal offers some great advice for anyone who has just discovered that they are an NPE.

Kerry’s DNA Surprise

Kerry’s suspicions about her NPE status have come and gone throughout the years. As a child, she always felt different from her siblings, but a unique medical condition caused her to push aside any doubts she had about her paternity. By the time she learned the truth about her biological father from a DNA testing kit, her mother had passed, leaving her unable to ask many questions.

Yvette’s DNA Surprise

Yvette shares a story of intergenerational secrets that she unearthed after discovering her DNA surprise in December 2020. She learns that not only is she an NPE, but so is her biological father. Yvette also shares what it’s like to realize that she has a very different ethnic background than she previously believed.