
Laurie’s DNA Surprise

DNA surprises often shake the very core of what we believe our identities to be. In this weekā€™s episode, Laurie shares how she went from believing she was the only child of two concentration camp survivors of the Holocaust to learning she is one of at least 6 siblings – half of whom were born as the result of assisted reproduction. Laurie always knew her parents went to a fertility doctor but she had no idea that she was donor conceived. She shares how she learned of her donor conception, who she has connected with, and how this has changed her perspective on her parents and identity – in primarily positive ways.

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Phil’s DNA Surprise

This weekā€™s story tells not one, but two, shocking DNA discoveries. Growing up, Phil believed that the parents who raised him were his biological parents. As a child, he learned that his biological mother abandoned him and he was raised by his stepmother. Decades later, he learned that his raised father isnā€™t his biological parent, either.

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Shannon’s DNA Surprise

How would you feel if you learned that your biological father was a constant presence in your life, despite being raised under the belief that another man shared your DNA? In this weekā€™s episode, Shannon shares how she learned that her biological father was a longtime family friend who even taught her how to tie her shoes. I spoke with Shannon just four months after her DNA surprise. She offers a fresh perspective on the immediate aftermath of a discovery, including what sheā€™s doing to process and how sheā€™s learning more about her newfound biological family.

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Bonus Episode | Big T, Little t

In this very special bonus episode of DNA Surprises, Iā€™m joined by Megan Irwin, who will be facilitating a session on Trauma at theĀ DNA Surprise Retreat. Megan is aĀ licensed therapistĀ specializing in grief and loss, trauma/PTSD, and associated challenges. She serves as a compassionate witness and guide for her clientsā€™ healing and personal growth.Ā Megan will facilitate a session called ā€œBig T, Little tā€ on how DNA surprise traumas affect our bodies and minds. Sheā€™ll also empower us with tools to manage the big feelings we experience following our surprises.

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Robin’s DNA Surprise

Every DNA surprise is unique and layered, and this is especially true for those who have major shifts in ethnicity. In this weekā€™s episode, Robin shares her NPE journey, which began more than a decade ago. Robin was always proud of her blackness. But when she made her discovery, she not only learned that her dad is not her biological father, but that her biological father is whiteā€”and racist. She shares how her discovery has affected her sense of self and her relationships.

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Natalie’s DNA Surprise

Welcome to Season 4 of DNA Surprises. In our first episode of the season, Natalie shares her NPE story. When Natalie experienced her surprise, she had no idea that she was uncovering her motherā€™s decadeā€™s-long secret about Natalie and her brother. So many of us are desperate for answers when we first uncover a DNA surprise. Natalieā€™s story perfectly captures how we often learn more and more truths as time passes.

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